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We're excited to announce that we're currently sold out.
However, if you'd like to join our waiting list, please shoot us an email with your name, email, and phone number. Should any seats become available due to cancellations, we'll be sure to reach out to you. email to admindir@jashawaii.org or click below.
Join Us for the NexGen Movers & Shakers series featuring Master Brewer Mr. Motoyoshi Yamaga of Asahi Shuzo Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
Experience an exclusive evening with Mr. Motoyoshi Yamaga, Master Brewer of Asahi Shuzo Sake Brewing Co., Ltd., renowned for its main brand, KUBOTA. Established in 1830, Asahi Shuzo has become synonymous with excellence in sake production, deeply rooted in the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Niigata prefecture.
The NexGen Movers & Shakers series, established in 2019, aims to foster deeper discussions on leadership, facing challenges, creative problem-solving, and future visions from established leaders.
This exclusive event offers a unique opportunity for our JASH NexGeners and their guests to engage and "talk story" with prominent community leaders and international figures.