JASH Japan Day Fall 2024

JASH Japan Day Spring 2024

Japan-America Society of Hawaii Japan Day Fall 2023
On November 2, 2023, JASH held its Fall Japan Day program, sponsored by the McInerny Foundation and the Freeman Foundation. Approximately 200 students from Kalani High School, Kapaa High School, King Kekaulike High School, Konawaena High School, Pearl City High School, St. Joseph School, University Laboratory School, Waiakea High School, and Washington Middle School gathered at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii’s Generations Ballroom to enjoy the day’s activities.

Japan-America Society of Hawaii Japan Day Spring 2022
JASH held its Spring 2022 Japan Day program sponsored by the McInerny Foundation and the Freeman Foundation during the months of April through May via interactive video tutorials featuring bon dance, calligraphy, ikebana, karate, manga, Peace Studies/Sadako Sasaki Story, soroban, and tea ceremony.

Japan-America Society of Hawaii Japan Day Fall 2021
JASH held its Fall Japan Day program sponsored by the McInerny Foundation and the Freeman Foundation during the month of December 2021 via interactive video tutorials featuring karate, manga, Peace Studies/Sadako Sasaki Story, soroban, calligraphy, taiko, and tea ceremony.