3rd JASH Language Exchange (JASH LangX) 

On August 10, 2024, from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM, the Japan-America Society of Hawaii (JASH) hosted its 3rd language exchange session, “JASH-LangX,” at the JASH office. 

About 15 participants, including both JASH members and non-members, gathered to enjoy getting to know each other while practicing their English and Japanese language skills. JASH LangX is a fun way to meet new people who share similar goals, improve English and/or Japanese language skills, learn about Japan, the U.S., and Hawaii, and make new friends in a relaxing environment.

Attendees enjoyed communicating in two languages at the JASH Office

We began with an icebreaker, the Edamame Champ game. Congratulations to the winners! 

We try to adapt each session to better suit our participants after each LangX. After the icebreaker, everyone had the opportunity to switch conversation partners three times. They spoke “only in English” in the first half, then switched to “only in Japanese” for the second half in the first and second rounds, and finally used both languages freely in the last round with the option of using conversational topics provided.

[L-R] Daisuke Oshimoto and Kathy Abe-Maeda

[L-R] Umit Gocke, Aki Miyama and Sandy Takeda

Everyone’s background and language levels were diverse, but they were highly motivated to learn English and/or Japanese by using the language. We welcome all levels, from beginner to advanced, as this is a conversation-friendly environment.

Future JASH LangX sessions will be held once a month, on weekends or weekday evenings, to accommodate the schedules of prospective participants. The 4th JASH LangX is scheduled to be held in October 2024.

Stay tuned for more LangX sessions in 2024!


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