Taste of JASH featuring Chigasaki CityTuesday, May 14, 2024

On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, JASH revived our beloved Taste of JASH food series, sponsored by ANA at Kaimuki Shokudo located in Honolulu.  70 guests enjoyed the superb Fried Aji that is famous in Chigasaki, Kanagawa. The event was an enjoyable way to sample delicious regional dishes, learn about Japan and make new friends.

Thanks to the awesome support of our JASH community, the event was SOLD OUT!

The program opened with a warm welcome by Ms. Reyna Kaneko, JASH President. Then, Ms. Ka`ili Trask O`Connell from the Honolulu Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Arts (MOCA) said a few remarks about the importance of sister-city and sister-state relationships. Mr. Krishna Jayaram from the City and Country of Honolulu followed with emphasizing the value of maintaining and creating more ties with Japan.

Ms. Ka`ili Trask O`Connell  from MOCA (Honolulu Mayor's Office of Culture and the Arts) 

Mr. Krishna Jayaram from City and County of Honolulu

We were honored to have Mr. Keita Hirashima and Mr. Kenichi Akabane from ANA attend our event. Mr. Hirashima talked about ANA’s role within the special relationship between Japan and Hawaii.

Mr. Keita Hirashima from ANA

We would also like to thank Ms. Taylor Date, JASH NexGen member, who assisted us with announcing the answers to our quiz about ANA, Chigasaki, and JASH! Those who had the most correct won flying honu keychains, kindly donated by ANA.

Ms. Taylor Date provides answers to a ANA, Chigasaki, JASH Quiz

After enjoying all the delicious food and drinks, we ended the night with a Lucky Draw. 10 lucky winners won prizes including ANA blankets, bags, and JASH golf balls. The top prize was a collector’s edition of an ANA plane model, kindly donated by ANA. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

The Taste of JASH food series was developed by our JASH NexGen back in 2019.  The initial series featured our Sister States Hiroshima, Okinawa, Fukuoka, Ehime and Hokkaido and highlighted regional cuisine and famous sightseeing locations.  

Stay tuned for more Taste of JASH featuring Uwajima this fall in 2024! 

Mahalo to our sponsor


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